List all similar Html Tag
To list all “P” tag of a website we need to use the following code –
[TestInitialize()] public void MyTestInitialize() { BrowserWindow.Launch(""); } [TestMethod] public void CodedUITestMethod1() { BrowserWindow Browser = new BrowserWindow(); Browser.SearchProperties[UITestControl.PropertyNames.Name] = "Automation Sample 1:: Tanmay Sarkar"; HtmlControl AllPtag = new HtmlControl(Browser); AllPtag.SearchProperties[HtmlControl.PropertyNames.TagName] = "p"; UITestControlCollection collection = AllPtag.FindMatchingControls(); foreach (HtmlControl each in collection) { Console.WriteLine(each.GetProperty("InnerText")); } }
And the output should contain all the p tag of site –
To get a particular p tag inner text from this collection we can modify our code like –
HtmlControl Sample = new HtmlControl(Browser); Sample.SearchProperties[HtmlControl.PropertyNames.TagName] = "p"; UITestControlCollection col = AllPtag.FindMatchingControls(); Console.WriteLine(col[3].GetProperty("InnerText"));
And the out put will be –