We will integrate Maven & SVN with selenium Testing.
1. Local Repository – Maven
2. SVN
3. IDE – Eclipse
Maven Setup
Download maven from http://maven.apache.org
Extract maven on local drive (D:\maven)
Set M2_HOME as D:\maven
Set M2= %M2_HOME%\bin
Add %M2% in Path variable
Make sure JAVA_HOME is set
Check maven on console using “mvn –version”
Put Settings.xml on ~user\.m2 folder
Create a free account on svn website (example – https://assembla.com/)
Create a new Repository
Retrieve trunk URL
Eclipse Setup
Add Subclipse plugin to connect SVN
Add TestNG to execute Test Case
To Complete the steps please watch this video :
From this video we also learn how to retrieve code from SVN and how to commit code on SVN.
Thank you!